This page will serve as a thank you to all the excellent service providers I am using in order to run my blog. I imagine that over time, when the list will grow longer, I will divide it into categories. 

A big thank you to the web hosting company JaguarPc where I've been hosting all my sites since 2002. I don't think you will find a service as good as theirs anywhere on the net. I contact them with every little thing and they immediately answer and take care - even with regard to things that are not at all related to  hosting but to the maintenance of the site. They always offer to help and to find a solution. 

Pixabay - Free images.
Kisspng - Free images & clipart.
Georgia Lous Studios - To create a photo gallery on a blogger and other accessories for free download.
Blogger's Origin - for creating social networking buttons and a blog contact form.
Pexels - Free images.
BURST - Free images.
Unsplash - Free images.
Sora Templates - The best Blogger templates.
Bluevertigo - Design Resources.
Freepik - Free images & clipart.